Food Grade Unit,

Dabaspet, Karnataka

Client             :    Buildmet Fibres Pvt. Ltd

Gross Area   :    88,000 Square feet

Status            :    Ongoing 2017

Cost                 :    INR 11.2 Crores

The Client required a new food grade unit in a site measuring 1.75 acres within a campus measuring 7 acres in Dabaspet. Due to the intense heat gain in the existing factory building, the challenge here was to design the new building which adapts to the climatic conditions at site. The ground floor is surrounded by an earth berm which majorly minimizes the heat gain throughout the day. The first floor is cantilevered at all sides to provide shade for all the windows in the ground floor throughout the day. The first floor walls on the south side are designed such that they are aligned perpendicular to the harsh sunlight. The openings on the first floor are aligned such that they avoid the direct sunlight throughout the day.The walls on the north side are aligned such that there is always indirect light entering the building providing ample light and ventilation throughout the day. The earth berm enhances the main entrance to the building.The fire escape staircase is designed as a tubular element, breaking the monotony of the building. The overall design adds dynamism to the linear form of the building, letting the building breathe comfortably with the existing climatic conditions.